Join Us
Our lively group get-togethers are what make Cuppa Squad special. We hold tea and coffee sessions every month at local community venues where, in a welcoming and relaxed atmosphere, you can chat with others who are going through similar experiences to yours.
Every group session is skilfully led and at least one healthcare professional is always on hand to offer individual advice. We regularly invite specialist speakers on different subjects, ranging from foot care to overcoming loneliness. Family and friends are always welcome too.
If you can’t get to a face-to-face Cuppa Squad session and have access to a computer or smartphone, we are holding an increasing number of online sessions on Zoom. If you would like to find out about your local group, please contact us below.
Thank you to Ahmad Tea who have donated all different types of tea to Cuppa Squad for our monthly groups. This donation helps us spend our money on running more groups to support people living with diabetes.
Thank you Ahmad Tea
Contact us
If you would like to find out more about our groups and join us, please fill in the form below.
Listen to What People Say About the Groups