Even identical twins respond differently to food
The largest ongoing study of its kind finds that people’s responses to food vary depending on a wide variety of factors. The findings suggest that the future of nutrition lies in personalised dietary advice.
Weight gain, what’s the deal?
Over the past two decades, the UK’s rates of obesity and type 2 diabetes have spiralled, something that has invariably been blamed on our intake of saturated fat.
7 Low-Fat Diet Risks You Need to Know About!
Fats are an essential nutrient and one of the primary energy sources for the body. They also play a big role in weight management.
Grazing may be a terrible idea.
Here’s a suggested scenario, “Please don’t eat more than one snack a day.” Why? Well…
Obesity is a disease and not a lifestyle choice
The Royal College of Physicians has called for the recognition of obesity as a disease, and not a lifestyle choice.
Five Little-Known Dangers of Restricting Sodium Too Much
It has been widely argued and believed that too much sodium has been linked to high blood pressure, with health organisations recommending that you limit your intake.
Don't fixate on calories
Not all calories are created equal. Yeo argues that what really matters is not how many calories a particular food contains, but how that food is digested and absorbed by your body.
Why the gut microbiome is crucial for your health.
While some bacteria are associated with disease, others are actually extremely important for your immune system, heart, weight and many other aspects of health.
The hidden danger of ‘YoYo’ dieting.
It’s a scenario so many people can relate to: You succeed at losing weight, only to gain it back six months later. You shed the pounds again, but they return.
How to maximise your weight loss regime.
You've probably heard that once you hit 40, it's all downhill when it comes to your weight.